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1983-84, University College, Galway (now National University of Ireland, Galway)
A Thousand Unwelcomes
cast: Enda Sheehan (Medical Student), Darra Phelan (Medical Student), Tomás tbd (Medical Student), Greg Hohman (Yank), 18 Oakley Crescent
The Wood of the Whispering, Molloy
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Leisureland, Salthill, Galway, Nov 1983
Famine, Murphy
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Seapoint Ballroom, Salthill, Galway, Feb or Mar 1984
Butley, Gray
cast: University College Galway (UCG) Dramsoc, Druid Lane Theatre, March 1984
King John, Shakespeare
cast: Dublin University Players, UCG Aula Max, March 1984
The Gigli Concert, Murphy
cast: Abbey Theatre, Dublin, April 1984
The Beggar’s Opera, Gay
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, June or July 1984
cast: People of Carna, Jonathan Derham (geology Ph.D. candidate), Greg Hohman (Yank), Ostan Carna, Summer 1984
1984-85, University College, Galway
cast: Jonathan Derham, Carol Gray, Ted Nealon, Greg Hohman, 117 Dangan Heights
The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare
cast: Abbey Theatre, Dublin, Dec 1984
The Glass Menagerie, Williams
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, Dec 1984
Lernziel: Deutsch (Learning Goal: German), a fragment by Ulrich Wünsch, words by Peter Handke
cast: Greg Hohman, Marie-Louise Blaney, Sally Ann Colbert, Caitriona Nic Mhuiris, UCG German Society and Maynooth, 1985
The Playboy of the Western World, Synge adaptation
cast: Greg Hohman (Christy), Sally Ann Colbert (Pegeen Mike), Spring 1985
Conversations on a Homecoming, Murphy
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, Apr 1985
’Tis a Pity She’s a Whore, Ford
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, 1985
The Recruiting Officer, Farquhar
cast: Gate Theatre, Dublin, May 1985
The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, Aug 1985
1985-86, Hannover, BRD
Bühnenbild (Set Design)
set: Herrenhäuser Gärten (Herrenhausen Gardens), beside Studentenwohnheim (student dorm), Dorotheenstrasse 7
Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (Mr. Puntila and his Man Matti), Brecht
cast: Staatsschauspiel Ballhof, Hannover, Dec 1985
Die Massnahme (The Measure), Brecht
cast: Seminar, Universität Hannover, Spring 1986
Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches (Fear and Misery of the Third Reich), Brecht
cast: Staatsschauspiel Ballhof Foyer, Hannover, Jan, Feb or Mar 1986
Das Freudenfeuer für den Bischof (The Bonfire for the Bishop), O’Casey
cast: Schauspiel Köln, April 1986
Quartett, Müller
cast: Schauspiel Köln, April 1986
Der Meteor, Dürrenmatt
cast: Staatsschauspiel Ballhof, Hannover, May 1986
Gespenster (Ghosts), Ibsen
cast: Deutsches Theater, Berlin, 1986
Die Insel (The Island), Fugard
cast: Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Theater an der Glocksee, Hannover, June or July 1986
1913, Sternheim
cast: Staatsschauspiel Ballhof, Hannover, 1986
In East Berlin, at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, I was crushed to hear, “Der Hauptdarsteller ist krank” (The lead actor is sick). Brecht’s Mann ist Mann (Man Equals Man) was cancelled, so I went to Gespenster.
1986-87, Galway, Ireland
Hail and Farewell, Moore adaptation
cast: Jonathan Derham, Greg Hohman, 63 Threadneedle Road
Absurda Comica oder Herr Peter Squenz, Gryphius
cast: UCG German Society, incl. Greg Hohman (König/King), Sally Ann Colbert (Königin/Queen), UCG and University College Cork (UCC), 1987
Die Dreigroschenoper (The Three-Penny Opera), Brecht
cast: University College Dublin German Society, UCC, Feb 1987
Waiting for Godot, Beckett
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Chapel Lane, March 1987
In Erwartung von Schlösser (Expecting Castles), Hohman
cast: tbd, UCG Field Research Station, Carron, The Burren, co. Clare, Spring 1987
A Whistle in the Dark, Murphy
cast: Druid Theatre Company, Jesuit Hall, Salthill, Galway, July 1987
In Herr Peter Squenz, I played the king. I was killed in Galway and Cork. The press killed me. No, the press was at neither venue. In the role of the queen, Sally Ann, my former girlfriend, killed me. Such is first love. During the Galway performance, I nearly forgot my last line, the play’s last line. The audience and my fellow thespians accepted the LONG pause as extemporaneous comedy.
Kurzeil genug für diesen Abend. Wir sind müder vom Lachen als vom Zusehen. Man zünde die Fackeln an und begleite uns ins Zimmer. (Enough pastime for one evening. We are more tired from laughing than watching. Light the torches and accompany us to our room.)
cast: UCG Lit & Deb, Herr Stefan, et al.
Grey Eminence
cast: Thomas Kilroy (Professor and Playwright), UCG English Department
Killer’s Head, Shepard
cast: UCG Dramsoc, Aula Max
The Field, Keane
cast: UCG Dramsoc, Aula Max
The Gaol Gate, Lady Gregory and The Spraying of John O’Dorey, Keane
cast: Heads or Harps Theatre Company, Arts Centre Nuns Island
The Gospel at Colonus (video), Breuer/Telson
cast: The Blind Boys of Alabama, Institutional Radio Choir, etc., Kilroy (see below) presentation, UCG Arts & Sciences Bldg.
The Girls in the Big Picture, Jones
cast: Charabanc Theatre Company, Northern Ireland, 1986 or 1987