Preview: Exuent

Dedicated to the muses of San Diego Superior Court and California Court of Appeal, 4th District 4, Division 1.

From a height of 24 stories, an artwork called «Waves» throws long shadows on the glass face of the San Diego Judicial Nerve Processing Institute. The shadows are emblematic of G.’s nearly 26 years of servitude there. Against devils inside (see Roll Call below) he files charges.

Count 1. soul murder

Count 2. cursed play-with-human-beings

Count 3. cursed creation-of-a-false feeling

Count 4. not-thinking-of-anything thought

Count 5. unmanning

Citing the shadows, G.’s counsel, Dr. jur. Daniel S., requests a change of venue, choosing the plaintiff’s birthplace for the symmetry of his going out where he came in—in the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania in the County of Allegheny. The Judicial Nerve Processing Institute in downtown Pittsburgh, dedicated in 1888, is one of the 19th century’s most acclaimed buildings. Architect Henry Hobson Richardson’s Romanesque edifice resembles a forbidding castle. G. believes his case deserves a landmark setting.

Course of Justice

Grand Lobby
Grand Stair
Katy’s Park: Jury Lounge
Courtroom 321: Trial
Bridge of Sighs: Appeal
Former Jail: Release


After lingering on Grant Street during a pep talk with himself, the plaintiff proposes a motto for the Nerve Processing Institute’s arched doorway.

Sie sind verhaftet, gewiss, aber das soll Sie nicht hindern, Ihren Beruf zu erfüllen. Der Aufseher

The German is a bow to his immigrant ancestors. Before entering, force of habit makes G. write the translation on a post-it note and affix it to the granite.

«You are arrested, certainly, but that should not hinder you from fulfilling your job. The Overseer»

The note detaches from the granite. G. wears black to show he understands the gravity of his situation. After sheriff’s deputies at the security checkpoint confiscate his bared bodkin and divot repair tool, two un-uniformed assistant devils, F. and W. according to their official steel badges, approach him, wearing smiles. G. has a shuddering premonition that, although they are employed by different nerve-processing systems, assistant devils in San Diego and Pittsburgh are temperamentally identical. His legal strategy could be doomed.

Sir, you really want to go through with it? Our halls echo with the cries of people who did not drop their cases. ‘What possessed me? Is it too late to get out of it? O, to end it all!’ This way to the Tower, Sir.

G. has come prepared.


He is overruled.

We have a responsibility to inform the public of its options–without crossing the line of providing legal advice. Follow us, Sir.

G. is led away.


A red velvet cord like in a theater prevents admittance to the Tower. One assistant devil unlatches a brass hook, while the other signals G. to proceed first.

Watch your step, the ascent is not for the faint-hearted. 318+ feet up to a view that was breathtaking until the robber baron Henry Frick built one of his temples to the almighty dollar across the street, which also foreshortened the view of our facade. You’ll have to use your imagination to see the North Side, the stomping grounds of your paternal forebearers, or, as they knew it, independent Allegheny City before Pittsburgh annexed it in 1907.

G. is not surprised that his background has been checked.

The Tower was intended as a repository. Most paper files have been scanned, but some were interred as originally planned. Your family’s cases may be around in their original state.

G. is unaware of family cases.

Pardon the state of the filing system, the absence of light and my sleeping colleagues. Yes, some of us live here. Stay near my candle. It’s our last one.

By the time the small party reaches the top, G. is out of breath.

Frick’s skyscraper and later ones ruin our panorama, otherwise we could see the area around the Allegheny Social Club, where your paternal grandfather stayed upon arrival from Germany. Later, your father earned money by selling rabbits to North Side restaurants. Later, one of your three brothers was born in Allegheny General Hospital. So, there you are, if you intend, at your peril, to raise family ghosts. Closer to ground zero, note the nerve processors across the street. The county’s electronic-chip program enables them to carry their implanted files with them. Again, watch your step. If you were to jump or fall…well, we don’t want any trouble.

During the descent, G. drops unmarked bills in small denominations. His minders fall to their knees for them. He exits the dark tower alone.

Grand Lobby

The Grand Lobby contains murals by one Vincent Nesbert. After minutes pass in futile contemplation of «Justice», G. is moved enough by «Industry» to detain a passing basic devil for questioning. Under cross-examination, the witness is unable to testify credibly about the merits of «Industry» or «Justice».

Attorneys of all persuasions clog the Grand Lobby, avoiding self-represented human souls. Two of the latter, A. and Z., begin a one-sided conversation with G. about their dozen cases, which they are pursuing individually and jointly. They are fighting with their home owners association over landscaping, a case which, they admit without shame, could have been settled with a «bag of grass seed». The proceedings have lasted for a decade and are ongoing. For three years, the pair has contested a misdemeanor traffic offense for the sake of «principle». They lost and promptly appealed. They are fending off creditors and have restraining orders issued against them. Before adjourning the consultation (they aren’t done talking, rather they are late for a hearing), the disputants complain about being declared vexatious human souls, which means they are barred from filing new complaints. To himself, G. declares:

Industrious souls!

He thinks of another quotation.

«Wenn ich hier alle Richter nebeneinander auf eine Leinwand male and Sie werden sich vor dieser Leinwand verteidigen, so werden Sie mehr Erfolg haben als vor dem wirklichen Gericht. Der Maler»

He writes the translation on a post-it note and affixes it to an impost block.

«If I paint all the judges side by side on a canvas and you defend yourself before the canvas, you will have more success here than in a real court. The Painter»

The post-it note detaches as A. and Z. return. Their request for continuance has been granted. Their portable scanner is already turned on.

Grand Stair

The jail isn’t here anymore.

G. is being addressed by a ghoulish apparition who had appeared to be sleeping beside a brass lamp. He knows the homeless use the Judicial Nerve Processing Institute too, but the steel badge identifies him/her/them as another assistant devil. A black robe and blonde wig, which perform double duty as blanket and pillow, mislead him into concluding he is in the presence of a judge. Flesh visible beneath the threadbare robe is comparable to specimens in the nearby morgue.

It’s on Second Avenue, within walking distance.

The Wig smiles malignantly.

Forms can be submitted electronically, so I can have one of my staff show you out…They pooled money to purchase this robe and wig. If I find out that someone didn’t contribute, slow death by bureaucracy will follow. Most are malleable, an admission that they are replaceable. The rest, thinking they know better than us managers, are the enemy. More dangerous than the public…If you insist on staying a while, smile. By being upbeat, you may avoid the worst. Would you like to see a menu of punishments? Mental beatings don’t break the skin. We in Operations use them too. One of my career highlights was to order a clerk to the office during the COVID-19 pandemic when he could have worked from home. It gets better: He trembled at the thought of infecting his disabled, self-isolated wife.

On the next landing sits a Wig clone. The plaintiff peers up the limestone. The Nerve Processing Institute is marshaling its forces. Additional Wigs stand in formation on each landing. A militaristic whistle breaks the silence. As one, the clones crown themselves. The first, leaking bodily fluids, has crawled to a dark corner to reach hers, a rusty steel bauble—a redundancy atop a wig, yet she is rejuvenated, the smile more malevolent.

Contrarians approach at their own risk. They are routinely kicked down the stairs.

G. takes the elevator.

Katy’s Park: Jury Lounge

Although plaintiff presses the button for the third floor, the elevator spits him out on the ground floor. In the courtyard, known as Katy’s Park, where the jury pool, before being summoned to a courtroom, is introduced to the «Order of the Judicial Nerve Processing Institute», which looks identical to orders G. has seen in San Diego. A hierarchy of satans, senior devils, assistant devils and basic devils obeys the «Writing-Down-System» of this Institute too. The plaintiff requests a bench trial.

Courtroom 321: Ghost of Commonwealth Judge Jim F. presiding

Assistant Devil Lorena O.: The devils move for the Hon. Judge to recuse himself on the grounds that he is acquainted with the Complainant.

Judge: The court has read the motion papers and the personnel record of the Complainant, amounting to 26+ years of documentation, including the reprimand and reassignment in question. The plaintiff was a companion of my two sons from childhood through high school. They played on the same baseball, street hockey and soccer teams. They skied and rode sleds together in winter. The plaintiff smiled when the horn of my RV tooted its silly tune and was our guest at Penguin hockey games. In sum, the plaintiff was as innocent as a lamb, easy prey for devils. Have you read his memoir? (the room is silent) The court is inclined to believe such individuals do not change. Be that as it may, we can be impartial, especially from where we stand beyond the grave. The court denies the motion. The matter of recusal can be taken up on appeal. Opening statements, please.

Dr. jur. Daniel S.: The human soul is contained in the nerves of the body; about their physical nature I, as a layman, cannot say more than that they are extraordinarily delicate structures­-comparable to the finest filaments–and that the total mental life of a human being rests on their excitability by external impressions. (Schreber, 19)

Assistant Devil Lorena O.: Objection. Relevance?

Judge: Counsel objects to the relevance of the human soul? Overruled.

Dr. jur. Daniel S.: From the most tender beginnings, vibrations develop to a complex system which embraces the most widespread regions of human knowledge (Schreber, 19). God is only nerve, not body, and akin therefore to the human soul. But unlike the human body, where nerves are present only in limited numbers, the nerves of God are infinite and eternal. They have in particular the faculty of transforming themselves into all things of the created world; in this capacity they are called rays; and herein lies the essence of divine creation. An intimate relation exists between God and the starry sky. (Schreber, 20-1).

Assistant Devil Ryan W.: Objection. Blasphemy.

Judge: Counsel, we are in America in the 21st century.

Assistant Devil Lorena O.: Co-counsel and I have 21st century managerial experience with government policies and procedures, management directives and training classes.

Judge: Exactly. Overruled. Continue, Herr Schreber.

Dr. jur. Daniel S.: Only pure human nerves were of use to God because it was their destiny to be attached to God Himself and ultimately to become in a sense part of Him as «forecourts of heaven». The souls to be purified learnt during purification the language spoken by God Himself, the so-called «basic language», a somewhat antiquated but nevertheless powerful German, characterized particularly by a wealth of euphemisms (for instance, reward in the reverse sense for punishment, poison for food, juice for venom, unholy for holy, etc). Purification was called «testing»; souls which had not yet undergone the process of purification were not, as one would expect, called «non-tested souls», but the exact reverse, namely «tested souls», in accordance with the tendency to use euphemisms. The souls still undergoing the process of purification were variously graded «satans», «senior devils», «assistant devils» and «basic devils»; the expressions particularly seems to point to an abode in the underworld. The «devils» etc., when set down as «fleeting-improvised-men», had a peculiar color (perhaps carrot-red) and a peculiar offensive odor. (Schreber, 26) The idea is widespread in the folklore and poetry of all peoples that it is somehow possible to take possession of another person’s soul in order to prolong one’s life at another soul’s expense, or to secure some other advantages which outlast death. My client heard more than once the expression «Merely a G. soul» from the voices that talked to him.

Judge: We appreciate the word «fleet», Counselor.

Dr. jur. Daniel S.: In April 1998, he took up office in the San Diego Institute. He was driven, maybe by personal ambition, but certainly also in the interests of the office, to achieve first of all the necessary respect among his colleagues and others concerned with the Institute by unquestionable efficiency.

[ Recess ]

Bridge of Sighs: Appeal

Former Jail: Release

«Verweile doch.»

Roll Call

Commonwealth Court Judge
Ghost of Hon. Jim F.


Plaintiff’s Counsel
Dr. jur. Daniel S.

Basic Devils
Adela M.
Angela P.
Armando P.
Charles B.
Elizabeth N.
Gulzara S.
Hayden H.
Kim M.
Melica Doe
Michelle Doe
Michael H.
Nina B.
Scott B.
Tabitha L.
Ximena R.

Trial Counsel for Basic Devils
Assistant Devils Lorena O. and Ryan W. for Latrodectus, Hesperus, Howdy & Duty.

Appellate Counsel for Basic Devils
Assistant Devils Brandon H., José R., Josette Doe and Rita R for Janus, Judas, Scheiss & Schweinsteiger.

Other Assistant Devils
F.: Jeff G.
W.: Cathy M.
Wig/s: Carrie Doe

Vexatious Human Souls

Chartran, Théobald, Portraits (1897-1898)
Kafka, Franz, Der Prozess (1925, trans. The Old Man, 2024)
Kafka, Franz, Das Schloss (1926, trans. The Old Man, 2024)
Nesbert, Vincent, Battle of Grant’s Hill, Fort Duquesne, Industry, Justice and Peace (1934-1938)
Schreber, Daniel Paul, Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken (1903, trans. Ida Macalpine and Richard A. Hunter, 1955)
Shakespeare, William, Hamlet (1607)
Thurber, James, The Catbird Seat (1942)
Warhol, Andy, 13 Most Wanted Men (1964) and other Portraits (1962-1987)

image credits
Industry: Vincent Nesbert, Allegheny County Court House, Pittsburgh PA
Pittsburgh Judicial Nerve Processing Institute: University of Pittsburgh Library System Digital Collection
San Diego Judicial Nerve Processing Institute: The Old Man

Van Trump, James D., Majesty of the Law: The Court Houses of Allegheny County (1988)
Tannler, Albert M., Allegheny County Court House & Jail Guidebook (2016)