Interview with a Fox

What is your net worth?

“Here we have the old man talking to the young with the dead in between.” John Gielgud, on directing Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Where exactly did you get the idea for this “Clodius”?

“When ships go down, [my] people…rescue and resuscitate those who are useful…Two years ago the mermen of the Rhône…sent us an entire opera company that had drowned in the river.” From L’Île de la Magnificene (The Island of Magnificence, 1699) by Henriette-Julie de Murat.

Using the words “terror” and “terrorist” is inflammatory.

“Just look how much language he surrounds his body with!” From Einar (2006) by Elfriede Jelinek.

Your name must be fake.

Vom Altersheim is silent.

It’s a stage name? A pen name?

Vom Altersheim is silent.

Are we finished here?

Vom Altersheim is silent.

We are finished here.